It is so easy to follow – all you have to do is relax and simply listen to a lovely, gentle blend of words and music that combine to give you a wonderful, dream-like experience, enriching and uplifting your soul.
You can release stress and tension, feeling deeply relaxed and totally refreshed.

It is so easy to follow – all you have to do is relax and simply listen to a lovely, gentle blend of words and music that combine to give you a wonderful, dream-like experience, enriching and uplifting your soul.
You can release stress and tension, feeling deeply relaxed and totally refreshed.

Guided meditation and ritual to reconnect you to your soul
Your life is too precious not to live it magically…
Enjoy a healing retreat for your mind, heart and spirit in the comfort of your own home.
This is a spa weekend with a difference. Each of these themed retreats gives you time out from your everyday life to enjoy a gentle, healing program of delights designed to pamper your soul with gentle angel energy.
You don’t need to go anywhere, just download the program and begin.
You can treat your Angel Spa like an actual weekend spa retreat, or you can do it any time you wish, as often as you wish. Simply set time aside to focus on your own wellbeing with as few outside distractions as possible, and you will definitely notice the benefits.
At the end of your spa break, you’ll find yourself relaxed, refreshed and re-energised, ready to return to the world with renewed positivity.
Healing Angel Soul Spas are very different from anything else you will find because each one channels Angelic Reiki energy directly to you to heal and energise your soul.
They use an exclusive program of guided meditation and ritual to bring you gently and naturally back into deep harmony with your best self and the way you want to be – relaxed, positive and vibrant with health.
Every Angel Spa includes...
A themed guided meditation to help you relax deeply and absorb the greatest benefit from your experience
A themed healing meditation focused on the specific issue
An exclusive Healing Angel transformational meditation, each one channelling Angelic Reiki energy, especially tuned to a specific vibration to ensure the maximum benefit to you during your session.
A specially-designed ritual with full instructions and support to reconnect you to that healing vibration
Ample self-care rituals to make you feel pampered and indulged
A Reflections Journal to help you focus on your experience
A free e-book giving you full support throughout your spa retreat
BONUS You will also get a FREE Sleep meditation themed to reflect the rest of your Angel Spa experience so that you can enjoy deep, restful, restorative sleep during your retreat
Diamond Angel Detox Spa
Detox your mind, heart and soul. Enjoy relaxation and healing in quartz-crystal caves, beside dancing diamond-drop fountains and drifting beneath a radiant moon. Experience a deep, cellular cleanse from the Diamond Angel and allow them to harmonise your vibration to your own self-purifying frequency.
By the end of this spa retreat, you will feel renewed, revived and rejuvenated.
(Please note that this is specifically a mental, emotional and spiritual detox. It will be an excellent support for any physical detox program you may be undergoing, but cannot substitute for it)
Indigo Angel Tranquillity Spa
Enjoy the deepest peace and profound calm in the company of the Indigo Angel of Tranquillity. Release your hold on stress, tension and worry and let the ocean gently wash them all away as you swim down to the depths, or leave them far behind you as you drift high above star-lit clouds. Let the Indigo Angel take you on a transformational journey to the stars, and align you with the deep harmony at the centre of the universe.

A five-minute relaxation session will re-adjust your emotional dial and help keep your harmony.